Take your Meds.
The gentle heat a low, late summer, sun, strobing through the hedgerow to play tricks on my eyes. As I pushed my ability to sustain a challenging pace
The gentle heat a low, late summer, sun, strobing through the hedgerow to play tricks on my eyes. As I pushed my ability to sustain a challenging pace
It is all in your head. Fight it, or go with it. You decide. Two different outcomes to the same run. It was a blustery day. On the opening, warm-up, lap it was clear that the wind was going to be against us all the way around the 400m loop. How do you cope with …
Coaching creates this wonderful symbiotic relationship with itself in the practice of coaching skills The more you coach, the more you see the potential in yourself, and in others. The more you develop the potential in others, the better you want to be. The better you want to be, the more you learn and implement. …
a reasonably simple bake, a gluten free orange and rosemary polenta cake with a gorgeous nutty texture from the almonds and polenta.
The rusted skeletal remains of my Raleigh Pursuit, padlocked to the fire escape of a Victorian flat conversion in Bedford still haunts me, more terrifying that Christine could ever be.
In the daily rush that we call life it is oh so easy to let a day, week, month, or even year slip by.Constant goal-setting leads to missed deadlines, burnout, a loss of control and repeated failures. Instead of a goal, set a non-negotiable. An activity that is an important part of the process towards …
It is only reflection that you can fully appreciate how far you have come
if we don’t give ourselves time to think, time to process our surroundings, how can ever achieve anything of significance?
Getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Intervals is as much a mind-game as an effort game. You need to work on getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Brain Training would be one way of looking at it. The Central Governor Model, postulated by Prof. Tim Noakes proposes that a monitor in the brain’s motor cortex will stop …
Writing Every Day. Not an easy task. I have the confidence that I will succeed because of an in-built arrogance, and recent track record of success: Journalling, cold showers, making the bed as soon as we get up, folding clothes in a specific Marie Kondo style. Yes they are all simple things, think how much …