Success Story – Chris B

I am in a very fortunate position to be able to offer some of my services for free.

The most obvious one is as the founder and Event Director for Milton Keynes parkrun. My gift to the Milton Keynes community. I also coach for Redway Runners, one of the most successful running clubs in the country. Over the past two years I have been running weekly interval sessions (with a break earlier this year for obvious reasons) and Chris has recently been running with me as part of this

He writes:

“I never seem to be able to jog for a warm up at the start of a run when solo, it is much easier to start slowly when social running. This evening was no exception, started at the pace I planned to run the whole way, and decided to renew my acquaintance with the now mythical (as in no-one has seen them for an age) zig zags in the traditional uphill direction. Well as usual the second km was few seconds quicker than the first as I do seem to warm up quite a lot in those first few minutes. Then reaching the ZZs, trying to keep the pace steady uphill, translating the “relax into the wind” technique from this weeks intervals, to “relax up the zig and zags”. You can imagine my surprise then when the third segment that includes the ZZs was a big 20s pace increase over the km. Right, I thought, let’s try something a bit different as I knew I would have the wind at my back shortly, so I turned the run into an “accumulator”, which is every km segment had to be quicker than the previous one. I ended up with the sixth 1000m segment pace being the same as two of my 400m intervals this week and almost a full minute faster than the first 1000m. So there you are Gareth, that is a rather immediate result from being at just a few of your sessions.” (26/9/20)

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