No Excuses

How many times do you say “oh I’ll do it tomorrow”?

Only tomorrow never comes. There is always an excuse. A priority that doesn’t actually give you any benefit.


‘IF’ you commit, tell yourself that there will be no excuses, then you will find a way.

This evening I realised there was no way the rain was going to stop. I had no choice but to go out. I grabbed my kettlebell and headed outside for an energy boosting workout. Because I have not been lifting enough recently. My shirts no longer fit the way they should, and did.

The moon was out, the rain stopped (for a few minutes), the air was fresh. I focussed. Stayed in the moment. And started swinging.

The aim was 30 minutes of swings. 10 every minute. But then the rain started again. I could have quit, but I felt energised after the warm up, so a quick change of plan was required

10 swings, 10 halos clockwise, 10 halos anti-clockwise, 4 clean & press left, 4 clean & press right.

Roughly 20-25 seconds effort every 30 seconds. Minimal rest, way higher intensity than usual. All because it felt the heavens could open any minute.

After 5 rounds the monsoon hit. And I felt awesome. So pleased I hadn’t just given up before I started. Enjoying the fading moonlight, the feeling of the ever heavier rain on my face, the slight chill in my fingers, and the energy in my body from the short, intense, effort.

Twelve and a half minutes. Workouts don’t have to be exhausting to be beneficial.

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