Daily Habits – Get Outside

When I was gym based it was easy to move, I was surrounded by kit and toys.
I could walk down the staircase and I was out in the Great Wide Open. And boy did I appreciate that.

Nowadays it is all rather different. I have had to make a new habit. One that drives me outside every day. No, it is not easy. (This is why I want a dog, because then there is no excuse) There is so much benefit to getting outside for a bit of fresh air every day:
Increase productivity
Boost Mood
Feel focussed
Get fit
It can be social
Improve immunity
Better cope stress
Reduce your blood pressure
Stronger bones

I love that it gets me and Jan out of the house and spend precious time together.

Like all of the daily habits you will not necessarily notice an immediate improvement. You need to be consistent over time to reap the big rewards.

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Daily Habits – Reading

Books are a place of wonder. The second you pick one up you can enter a different world. Leave the troubles of this one far behind. For me, books are a source of comfort, and a place of mindfulness, a source of solace.

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