the benefits of exercise for Long Covid recovery

Extreme tiredness, shortness of breath, brain fog, insomnia, dizziness, all debilitating symptoms of Long Covid. Many people recovering from the virus are just trying to get back to a ‘normal’ life – whether this be going to work, looking after the family, or getting back into exercise. 

Long Covid is an incredibly complex illness that we are learning more about on a daily basis. You may be feeling exhausted and frustrated at your lack of progress in regaining your health. And when it hits people who were previously fit and healthy, who are not used to being unable to exercise, it can become scary and difficult to see the way forward.

As a personal trainer focused on rehab – whether from injury or illness – I wanted to understand how I could help my clients and others suffering as a result of Long Covid (thought to be around 2 million people in the UK alone).

With many studies suggesting that regular exercise can improve the recovery of people with lasting symptoms of Covid-19, I have completed the industry-accredited qualification from the CAWS® Rebuild™ training programme. The programme, designed in direct response to the needs of people suffering with ongoing symptoms as a result of Covid-19, is backed by ukactive and EuropeActive.

The training programme can be delivered in person at our home-based studio in Milton Keynes or virtually online, in the comfort of your own home. With my coaching and support you can better understand exactly why you are struggling and what you need to do to take control.

Our Long Covid recovery programme is targeted at you as an individual, based on your symptoms and health history. Armed with the very latest research on what works, and what doesn’t, this is not only about exercise, but about nutritional guidance and support as well as providing advice on rest, recuperation and sleep. With frequent check-ins to support your efforts, this is a holistic approach to recovery, embedding exercise, nutrition, rest and rehabilitation into your life – for the long term.

If you’re in the Milton Keynes area and you feel comfortable meeting in person, I offer face to face sessions. If you live further afield, I offer the same level of support and coaching virtually.

Get in touch for an informal chat about how my tailored, 1-2-1 coaching can help you. I will support you to make the right decisions around recovery and exercise from the start, all designed to avoid longer-term complications from the virus.


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